After you discuss the patterning you see here let you child know that this triangular array is called Pascal’s Triangle. It’s patterns are used in many fields of mathematics.
We’ve mistakenly transformed my admin priveleges on a single of my blogs to “guest”. I want the tumblr people to restore it. I am unable to find an actual email or contact form anywhere, and I’ve truly googled everything, including the Tumblr Group on Google Groups, where they try to push everyone who also needs support. I would gladly pay them for better service..
2 thoughts on “Famous Patterns”
We’ve mistakenly transformed my admin priveleges on a single of my blogs to “guest”. I want the tumblr people to restore it. I am unable to find an actual email or contact form anywhere, and I’ve truly googled everything, including the Tumblr Group on Google Groups, where they try to push everyone who also needs support. I would gladly pay them for better service..