This is a game of master mind you try to guess the order of colour pegs. Black means you have the right colour in the right spot. White means you have the right colour in the wrong spot. Hence why there is always some black and some white depending on where they are place. I also noticed in the second row from the top there should be 3 white pegs for three correct colours in the wrong spots.
12 thoughts on “Brain Patterns”
I see that there is a pattern with the white and black.
I wonder how many are there.
i notice nothing but i wonder is there even a pattern if yes than what type?
I notice that every 4 brains have a yellow one
I notice each two big ones are switched with other pattern.
I wonder why the last one doesn’t switch with another pattern.
This is a game of master mind you try to guess the order of colour pegs. Black means you have the right colour in the right spot. White means you have the right colour in the wrong spot. Hence why there is always some black and some white depending on where they are place. I also noticed in the second row from the top there should be 3 white pegs for three correct colours in the wrong spots.
There is a pattern with black and white
There is a pattern with different colous
There is different colours and shapes and they are brains
I see a lot of deferent patterns and colours brain
And i see 6 green and 5 blues 7 pink and 7 yellows and 3 black
And 12 little blacks and 9 whites
Everyone has a yellow and pink in the row!
The second from the bottom and second from the top both have black!
I saw 6 different colors.
6 are green, 5 are blue, 7 yellow and pink, 3 big blacks, 13 small blacks and 9 whites.
I noticed that every column has a yellow and pink brain ball. I wonder why there are only three big black brain balls?