Mystery Bank

There are two mystery coins in the piggy bank. What could the coins be to make the total amount of money greater than $1

11 thoughts on “Mystery Bank”

  1. .85+.25=1.10

  2. o.85 + 0.10 + 0.10 = 1.05
    0.85+ 0.10 + 0.25 = 1.20
    0.85 +0.25 +0.25 = 1.35
    0.85+0.25+0.05 = 1.15

    4 different sums that makes greater than $1.

  3. the mystery coins might be
    two .10 cents….85 cents +.10+.10=1.05
    .25 and .5………85 cents +.25+.5=1.15
    .25 and .10…….85 cents +.25+.10=1.20
    two .25 cent….85 cents +.25+.25=1.35

  4. Ruhan says you first add: 25cents + 25 cents = 50 cents, you then add 10 cents + 10 cents to 50 cents = 70 cents, then you add 5 cents + 5 cents + 5 cents to 70 cents = 85 cents total that we have. The piggy bank can have either a loonie ($1= 100 cents), or it could have a toonie ( $2= 200 cents). Then we add $85 cents + 100 cents = $1.85, and we can 85 cents + 200 cents = $2.85 cents. This means the missing coins that are in the piggy’s belly are $1 and $2. If you had $1 or $2 or 85 cents, you will have MORE than $1 total amount of money. Ruhan did need help arriving at this, but we broke down the math to show how many cents make up each value of the coin.

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