Wooden Logs
\ \ Estimate – How many wooded logs are BEHIND the blue rectangle? How did you estimate?
\ \ Estimate – How many wooded logs are BEHIND the blue rectangle? How did you estimate?
\ \ Play a round of battleship. Discuss how you ask for hits and misses.
\ \ Encourage counting various types. How many cooked cookies? How many uncooked? How many rows? Columns? As always discuss
\ \ How many circles are in each pile? Ask you child, “Another little girl split them up differently. What
\ \ After discussing what each of you notice and wonder. Have your child add up each side. Which side
\ \ What could you and your child count in this picture? Predict how many more “turns” until it falls
\ \ After you discuss the patterning you see here let you child know that this triangular array is called
\ \ Ask your child how they counted the faces? Then ask them to count them a different way.\ \
\ \ Kyle Pearce has shared a math challenge for each day in June to prepare for today, Canada’s 150
\ \ What number will they overlap on? How do you know? Draw two new patterns that overlap on the
\ \ Try to guess your own number. After playing with numbers play with shapes.
What pattern could you create by having your friends stand on numbers?\ \
\ Alright parents. Create your own question to ask your child. \ Possible questions: If the green hippo eats some
\ \ How many cherries should be in the 7th pile if the pattern continues? Create another pattern that starts
\ \ How many little squares are there in total after completing the big square? What are other square numbers?
\ \ How can you count them differently? If you ate one of the groups, how many would be left?
\ \ For a video version of this prompt check out the twitter feed here.
\ \ After your child counts the dots say “another child counted them in a different way. How might he/she
\ \ How did you create the red squares? Draw a diagram to show your thinking.
\ \ For more activities like this please check out clotheslinemath.com and Estimation180.com/clothesline
\ \ How much money is on each side of the line? Which side is easier to count? How can
\ \ Possible discussion Questions: Who has eaten the most? Who has eaten the least? How many marbles are still
\ \ How man eggs do you see? How many empty spaces? How did you count them?
\ \ Extensions: What fraction is blue/purple? How many more blue to fill the screen? Draw your own partially-filled grid.
\ Please visit the Twitter post to see the video: \ Time to yell! Yell out the word NOW when
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